God’s interested in everything!

I have been going to the Arncliffe Healing Rooms since April 2021. In the beginning I had problems with rejection, low self esteem, was lost and I wanted to receive healing. I had been before to other healing rooms but didn’t receive the help I needed. In October 2021 my son and I nearly finished up on the streets. I received prayer for this situation and 2 weeks after, I received help from St Vincent de Paul and they offered to pay my rent and I wasn’t evicted. For me that was a miracle and God answered our prayers!

Recently I was asked to join the Arncliffe Healing Rooms and even though I had concerns about being shy and not confident to pray for people and my English wasn’t very good, I’m so glad I said yes. I received so much encouragement and support from the Director and the team and I feel at home, in a place where I belong, where I’m loved and accepted. I’m blessed to come every Monday night to pray for people and be used by God to bring His Kingdom in the Healing Rooms and to do His will in my life.

In June 2022 I asked for prayer for my son Emmanuel re homeschooling and for his application to be accepted. It normally takes 12 weeks, for us it took only 3 weeks. Then a certificate of approval needs to be sent and usually takes 3 weeks, however we received it in 10 days. We saw the hand of God in that prayer moving very fast. It was another miracle for us.

Marisol & Emmanuel - Eternally grateful.


Stomach Pain Healed


Tiredness & Wrist injury